The school holidays are nearly here and that means one thing for parents: it’s time for the annual summer fete. Coming up with original fundraising stall ideas that are simple and interesting as well as being guaranteed money makers can often be tricky so we’ve come up with a few to get you started.
Delectable treats
Food stalls are always very popular, barbecue food in particular. Everyone has a sweet tooth though and what better way to tempt people into spending money than offering up a selection of cakes and treats? A traditional cake stall, bags of sweets or a candy floss machine are the most obvious choices however there are more individual options. Why not have a milk and cookies stall that sells homemade biscuits and a selection of flavoured milks? Alternatively, a cream tea stall with all the trimmings is bound to go down well with both parents and kids.
Guessing Games
Always a favourite with kids of all ages, a guessing game such as estimating the amount of sweets in a jar or the weight of something like a delicious cake is a great way of raising a lot of money. Charge each player 50p to £1 each and the person who guesses closest to the actual amount gets to keep the goodies. A fun alternative is to find a teddy bear or other soft toy and get participants to try and guess its name; the person who gets it right keeps the toy.
A Flower Stall
If you live near the countryside, somewhere with a great flower market or know a florist that is looking to drum up some business, creating a flower stall is a beautiful idea for any summer fete. Create simple arrangements to sell or if you’re a bit more creative, weave flowers together to make garlands and crowns that no little girl will be able to resist. For a more interactive stall, allow kids and adults to have a go at making them themselves- just avoid flowers with thorny stems like roses!
Face Painting
Every child loves to be transformed into a heroic super hero, favourite film character or a fearsome animal. Many people are put off having face painting stalls at fetes due to the fuss and mess but it really is a must. You don’t need to be a professional to run this stall as many face paint sets come with accompanying booklets and guides on how to create different faces. Charge kids £2 each a go and, if you’re feeling more adventurous, add wash out coloured hair spray or temporary tattoos into the mix.
A Pimms Tent
It’s important not to forget about the adults at a fete. While their kids are off playing on the bouncy castle or exploring the stalls with friends, parents need a place to have a drink, relax and chat. The drink of the summer, fruity Pimms is the ideal beverage to sell and it’s very easy to mix up a batch with lemonade and chunks of strawberry, apple and orange. A cooling drink for the hopefully sunny weather, charge £4-5 a cup and try creating a non-alcoholic version using different fruit juices.
If you’re new to easyfundraising and want to register your cause, you can get started for free here.