KADA (Kids Against Domestic Abuse) is a small charity set up and is run by four teenagers.

The aims of KADA are:

• To raise awareness of the impact on children and young people of domestic abuse
• Raise funds to purchase equipment for children who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse
• To promote the idea of zero tolerance to violence and abuse

The KADA crew go into schools and youth clubs to give presentations about domestic abuse. They also raise money to buy things for children and young people who are living in refuge or receiving support.

The KADA crew do not stop there; they talk to teachers, social workers, youth workers, police and so many more to help them understand the effect domestic abuse can have on children and young people. They also do a specific presentation on how vulnerable babies and small children can be and use baby simulators to demonstrate the effects of shaken baby.

They have just put together a book of cheap activities to do with children to help mums in refuge and are currently trying to raise the last £2K they need to fund a schools pack which will contain videos and activities to go into schools to help them talk about this very serious issue.

If you’d like to support them when you shop online, click here