Nominate a special person to win a bouquet

This competition has now closed.  The winner is Tracey Johnson who nominated Teresa Hurley:

“I would like nominate Teresa Hurley, who is a busy mother with 4 children, her youngest Issac with Downs Syndrome. She is a Neo Natal nurse and finds time to be a trustee and member of The Bedfordshire Downs Syndrome Support Group. Teresa is an amazing women, not only has she lost two close family members this last year but still manages to find the time to talk to new mothers on her lunch breaks, feeding their babies as well as doing so much organising and promotion of The Bedfordshire Downs Syndrome Support Group. Teresa has helped so many families through the shock of their diagnosis during pregnancy and after the birth of their new child with Downs Syndrome.

Teresa is a real special person and a bunch of flowers would be such a lovely surprise for her in her very busy life that she juggles with so well.”

Teresa will now receive a bouquet from Flying Flowers.


Do you know a special person who deserves an extra big thankyou?

Flying Flowers would like to send a thank you bouquet to one easyfundraiser who goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Perhaps they devote all their spare time to a good cause, despite having an already busy life. Or maybe they’ve changed their community for the better or they put the needs of others first without complaint.

Whatever the reason, if you know someone who truly deserves a great big pat on the back, use the comments section below to tell us who they are and why they should receive this beautiful bouquet. If they win, we’ll also feature their story on the blog.

You’ve got until August 15th to nominate your special person – we’re looking forward to receiving your nominations!

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