Racquet Sports

Whether you're a dedicated tennis player or a keen badminton enthusiast, racquet sports are a fantastic way to stay active and healthy. But did you know that your love of the game can also support a great cause? With easyfundraising, you can raise money for raquet sports causes simply by shopping online. Whether you're buying new equipment or stocking up on sports supplements, every purchase you make can make a difference. And the best part? It won't cost you a penny extra. So if you're passionate about your sport and want to make a real impact, sign up for easyfundraising today.

Support a good cause
Tennis Player
Women tennis player

Fundraising for Racquet Sport causes

Fundraising for racquet sports causes is essential in supporting athletes, providing equipment, and fostering inclusive opportunities. By contributing, you promote skill development, inclusivity, and community engagement within the world of racquet sports.

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Sign up

It’s quick and easy, it’ll only take you 2 minutes. Over 2 million people have signed up to easyfundraising


Choose your favourite charity

You can find any cause you like!


Shop online as usual

We will pop up when a brand online offers a donation.


Ask the brand to raise a donation

Once your purchase online is completed, the brand will donate on your behalf.