Domestic and international welfare

At easyfundraising, we're all about making a difference - and that includes helping organizations dedicated to welfare both at home and abroad. Whether you want to support a local charity providing essential services to those in need, or an international organization that works tirelessly to improve the lives of people around the world, you can do so with just a few clicks when you sign up with us. When you shop online with our retailers, a portion of your purchase will go directly to the welfare cause you choose - at no extra cost to you. And with so many incredible organizations out there, it's easy to find one that resonates with your personal values and beliefs. From supporting refugees and asylum seekers to fighting poverty and homelessness, easyfundraising is proud to partner with a wide range of welfare organizations doing vital work to create a better world. So why not join us today and help support these important causes? It's a simple yet powerful way to make a real difference in the world.

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Homeless man
Woman packing

Fundraising for Domestic and international welfare

Fundraising for domestic and international welfare is crucial in supporting vulnerable populations, providing humanitarian aid, and promoting social justice. Your support enables access to basic needs, education, healthcare, and empowerment programs, creating positive change and improving the lives of individuals and communities in need.

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