Raise donations on work from home essentials

Upgrade your home office with a selection of retailers and raise donations for your cause.

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4.5% donation

All the home office equipment you need

Donation increased to 5%

Shop more save more, Up to 15% off

Up to 3% donation

Great British parcel delivery with Parcelforce

Up to 7.5% donation

Send cheaper and easier with Hermes

Donation doubled to 2%
Maximise the hours you spend working from home with our selection of home office furniture, equipment and storage solutions
Up to 12.5% donation
Over 1000 ink cartridges and toner cartridges for your printer
1.5% donation

Tech for working from home plus expert support, advice and inspiration to help

1.5% donation

ThinkPad X1 edition 2020. Ultra-mobile and flexible high end business computing

Up to 12.5% donation

Toner and ink cartridges, paper and printing products

Up to £40 donation
Get unlimited EE broadband for only £19 a month for 18 months
£40 donation

Need more speed while working from home? Get Superfast 2 Broadband for the price of Superfast 1 from £20.95

6% donation

Save up to 70% on ink costs and never run out of ink again

Donation increased to 4%
Inspiring Innovation and discovery. Electronic design starts here
Up to 1.5% donation
Work from home for less with Ryman
Up to 5% donation

Don't compromise your comfort while working from home

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