Direct Donations - Social and Email Copy

Use these sample social posts, social images and email copy to let your supporters know that you've joined easyfundraising and that they can support you by making regular or one-off donations. 

Social Post 1

Social Post 2

Email Copy

Social Media Image 1

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.


Social Media Image 2

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.


Social Media Image 3

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.


Social Media Image 4

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.


Social Media Image 5

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.


Social Media Image 6

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.


Social Media Image 7

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.


Social Media Image 8

Share this image on your social media pages to let supporters know they can donate directly easyfundraising charity page.
