easyfundraising helps bring fairytales to life for 1st Blagdon Rainbows


Last Christmas easyfundraising made it possible for us to hire a bug expert so that our Rainbows could learn about all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures and even handle the creepy crawlies which they loved!

Not only that, the funds raised enabled us to hold a magical Frozen themed costume party, where the girls dressed up as their favourite characters and were given a goody bag.” – Blagdon Rainbows Leader Tigi Harrison

Last year 1st Blagdon Rainbows proved it doesn’t take a Christmas miracle to raise donations that make a difference.

With a spot of outside the box thinking and our ready-made festive fundraising tools the group managed to raise enough money through easyfundraising to help them host a Frozen themed party and a bug themed sleepover for their Rainbows.

Christmas is the busiest shopping period of the year, so making sure your supporters are signed up and ready to raise is a given. But, as Blagdon Rainbows realised, it doesn’t stop there. Reminding everyone to collect free donations on all their online shopping, from pantomime tickets to presents and turkeys to tinsel is the key to a successful fundraising total after the festivities.

Three top tips from Blagdon Rainbows

          • Know your audience
            Parents often check their Facebook page to see photos of their little rainbows so they used it to post regular reminders using the written ready posts on our website.
          • Make the most of every opportunity
            From weekly meetings to special events they were never without a savvy stack of easyfundraising flyers to hand out.
          • A spot of healthy competition

They set parents a challenge to raise £5 each and encouraged parents to shop through easyfundraising and got more parents to sign up.

Take a leaf out of this resourceful Rainbow group’s book. Get the word out and raise even more with our Christmas fundraising tools, including posters, flyers, emails and more.

Get your pack now
