Compare Utilities and Raise Big Donations for your Good Cause

Compare utiltiesIf you’re looking for a way to give your fundraising a healthy boost in the right direction, we’ve got the answer….our brand new Compare and Raise service!

You may not realise just how much can be raised when you and your supporters buy car insurance, home insurance, broadband and TV, gas and electric and mobile phone contracts the easyfundraising way!  As well as saving £100s there’s lots of donations to be raised for good causes.

Tell your supporters about our Compare and Raise service and you’ll make sure they are getting the best deal when switching suppliers and big donations for your cause.

Spread the word right now!

1. Check out our Compare and Raise service and discover just how much can be saved when you compare utilities.

2. Visit Promote my cause!

3. Post on Facebook and Twitter to show supporters just how much could be raised.

4.  Print out a stack of flyers to hand out at your next cause meeting or event.

5. Print out your posters and pin it up where people will see it, try receptions, school halls and sports club changing rooms!

6. Remind friends and family that could save money and raise lots of donations if they switched energy suppliers. Switching sounds like a hassle but it’s actually really easy, do it yourself and then you can let others know just how straightforward it is!

How our causes are benefiting

Compare utilities

East Hull Harriers

Last year, East Hull Harriers raised £60 through energy donations alone, which have gone towards refurbishing and maintaining the clubhouse and facilities for members. The club have found the Compare and Raise service very useful when it comes to making purchases for the clubhouse too.

The facility to raise money when switching suppliers is really positive, as is the donation if you take out boiler service cover too!

easyfundraising is an excellent fundraising service – it doesn’t cost more to buy things through the easyfundraising site and makes a big different in generating funds for the club!”

East Hull Harriers regularly send out reminders in their newsletters and on their Facebook page to remind supporters of the Compare and Raise facility.

So follow in their footsteps and make sure you don’t miss out on free donations and big savings for your supporters.