Steel Pan Academy | Don’t stop the music

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In 2009 Melanie’s son and friends wanted to play steel pan, but in order for a group to be formed they needed more people. That’s when Melanie and some of the other parents decided to step up to the pans and get involved so that the children could continue. From there on in they’ve been a part of the group and love getting together every Monday evening, playing Steel Pan and socialising with friends that they might not otherwise see if it wasn’t for the academy.

Initially funding for the academy was coming in from concerts and playing at events, however this has dwindled off. People don’t want to pay for the privilege anymore though, they want the group to go and play for free which in itself is costly for the clubs both financially and time wise, transportation of the equipment, travelling, making sure all members are available.
Some of the previous events played include Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Lions Show, Shipton. Carols at Kenilworth Castle, Girl Guides and Brownies, Drayton Manor.
Now easyfundraising is the sole means of funding the club. It costs approximately £400 to tune a steel pan. During the lifetime of a pan it undergoes strain which means it needs occasional tuning, so the club is reliant on easyfundraising to keep playing to the standard they deserve.

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“Trying to find the time to support all the different groups I’m involved in has become a bit of a balancing act, but easyfundraising gives us an alternative way to support that doesn’t involve baking cakes. We’re all shopping online anyway, it’s just easy”

Support Steel Pan Academy at Clinton every time you buy online the easyfundraising way.