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About Tutorful

Tutorful is an online tutoring company who takes the hassle out of finding a tutor. We have over 11,000 tutors on our books, and have taught over 2 million lessons to over 150,000 students. We currently operate in the UK, but have just launched operations in the Republic of Ireland. We offer online learning on a 1-2-1 basis and also offer online group classes for both academic and non-academics subjects, we have something for everyone! The Tutorful affiliate program is a great opportunity for content creators and website owners with a UK-based parent or student audience to earn commissions on the conversions they drive to Tutorful. What’s in it for me? By joining our affiliate program you can benefit from the following: * A flat fee of £15 for any 1-2-1 student account created supporting by a 30-day cookie duration * A flat fee of £10 for any class student account created supporting by a 30-day cookie duration * Additional incentives available for affiliate partners driving large volumes * Once per quarter you'll get the chance to schedule a support call with Tutorful * Support on set up.