Kenzie Gibson: Intrepid World Challenger

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Each week we recognise ‘Fundraising Heroes’ giving them the spotlight to highlight the incredible difference causes and charities across the UK make every day.

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This week, we’re featuring Kenzie Gibson – an intrepid 17-year-old who is fundraising towards her World Challenge. World Challenge is an easyfundraising partner organisation that offers a fantastic opportunity to develop essential life skills – including leadership, self-esteem, confidence and a sense of global awareness – that will prove invaluable going forward into further education or the workplace.

Kenzie’s challenge will take her to South Africa, Mozambique, Lesotho and Swaziland. She will be doing day-long treks, activities and volunteering with local communities. There are lots of opportunities to help the local communities including working in day-care centres for orphans and vulnerable children, building schools in rural communities, teaching English and installing rainwater tanks in schools.

Kenzie needs to raise £4000 for her world Challenge, and during Christmas 2016 she raised over £300, simply by emailing all her friends, family and supporters to remind them to buy everything they needed for the season online via easyfundraising. She explained exactly how the website works and how shopping through it doesn’t cost a penny extra.

She makes sure to reach out to her supporters at least four times a year, concentrating on busy shopping periods. So far, Kenzie’s easyfundraising total stands at nearly £900 – a superb achievement.

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